A floating offshore wind turbine is a type of offshore wind turbine that is installed on a floating structure floating on the sea. The floating structure is made of concrete or steel and is designed to be anchored to the seabed with mooring ropes to prevent it from drifting. Our company has been conducting researches and developments on floating offshore wind turbines, and has already carried out actual demonstrations by using the whole real working set of this system.
Wind power generation units 5MW/6MW/8MW/10MW unit
Floating platform
Consists of three cylindrical main floating bodies connected together in a frame structure. The main unit consists of a float, ballast tanks and balance boards.
Mooring system
The weight is installed vertically on the mooring cable to increase the tension of the cable and it increases the rigidity of the floating structure.
We have designed and developed a new type of concrete tower in "slicing" form as a windmill tower to make it suit the unique Japan-specific environments. With the advent of the “slicing ” format, our windmill towers can be easily installed in any location, which in turn can maximize your revenue. Our newly-designed "slicing" form concrete is modularized so that any other companies' concrete wind turbines can be mounted on it.
The weight of each blade has been reduced from 32 tons to 25 tons.
The above-said lighter weight reduces the burden on the hub, allowing longer blade windmills to be designed.
It becomes easier to install the blades of the same length (thanks to the above-said lighter weight, which as a result helps to reduce construction costs.
We will contribute to the hydrogen society by designing and constructing the entire system as shown in the figure based on the actual situation at the given sites.